For it's unchartedness, it's untouchedness.
Now with this quarantine time I find myself reviewing every map I bought, including the forgotten ones like Revelations, and suddenly, upon playing it again after that long, I felt like the layout of the map was screaming for attention. I guess that thought was pretty dumb, but that really is the reason I never really dived into Revelations: The simple lack of backstory. I felt like the looks of the map itself, as it merely consists of older familiar maps mangled into each other, didn't had any new story to tell.
When Revelations was released I was kinda stunned by the chaotic layout and abrupt ending. I know this title sounds like it's a fancy map concept of Meh, but I'm sorry to say we are here to talk map analyzing again: The floating islands as seen in Revelations, the layout of the whole map in general.